“What a man can be, he must be.” -Abraham Maslow

Abraham Maslow, most famously known for his ‘hierarchy of needs’ pyramid, asserts that our highest motivation is driven by a need to reach self-actualization or fulfill our greatest potential.

Maslow’s Project helps individuals reach self-actualization through their work. The vision is to build a cloud-based SaaS platform which stores personalized ‘career insights’ and makes real-time recommendations about how an individual can advance in their career. Think Flixster / GoodReads meets Salesforce but for personal career discovery and management. Recommendations would touch upon 6 action circles: education, people, companies, roles, news, and groups.

What if people could manage their careers the same way top companies manage their talent programs? What if people could recruit companies the same way companies recruit their top talent- with intention, intelligence and purpose? I’m looking to build that solution.

At this stage, Maslow’s Project serves as an instructional platform on how to set up a personalized career management website. The process begins by creating a personalized WordPress.com website and adding sections for the following career management ecosystems: “The Power of Now”, “A Little About Me”, “Spheres of Influence”,  “Stumbled and Noted”, and “Actions Speak Louder”. Once the foundation of the website is set-up, Maslow’s Project provides guidance on how to flesh out each section and derive career related insights from the aggregated intel.

Maslow’s Project is in its early stages of development, so constructive feedback is always appreciated! Feel free to reach out with interesting information, resources, or just an interest to meet up for coffee.

All the best in taking that first step towards a more fulfilling career,

Jessica DeLuca



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